Finding Favor

Not by our choice we are given this life.  God had given us the privilege to live this beautiful life.   God created the earth and its inhabitants.  ‘And God saw that it was good,’ it is written.  We are one among them.  Then, sin entered the world.  It was growing ever since, it seems.  Now there is no one who can find favor in the eyes of the Lord.

Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of their heart was only evil, continually.  And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. So the Lord wanted to destroy them.  But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.  Among mankind, it was only Noah who was still righteous.  Here we can see that the Lord was always watching mankind.

Noah was the only person who did not engrossed himself in the wickedness.  One commentary mentioned that the earth did not need rain till that time.  Dew drops were sufficient for the vegetation, which implies that it would difficult for him to believed God’s word about the ensuing flood.  In his great faith, he built an Ark as commanded, which saved his whole family and the creatures.

Noah was also a human like us.  He must have his chances to indulge in the wicked things.  Finding favor in the workplace and in the family itself is hard.  We knew it.  But consider this; Noah found favor in the Lord.  Let us also strive to find favor in the Lord first.  Then all things will fall in order in the workplace and in the family.

Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations.  He did all things as commanded by the Lord.  He spent his time with the Lord.

While I was reading this, Enoch came to my mind.  Enoch walked with God, and God took him.  His death was not mentioned.  While walking with the Lord he was no more.  He spent his time with God.   God wanted friendship from us.  He wanted to stay connected, always.

God is good to those who seek refuge in Him.  He even saved them from the wicked world.  He did NOT let favoritism play spoilsport.  He is not selfish.  Should we try to find favor among our beings, it simply resulted in bitterness.  It won’t be longer still before God destroys the earth.  Let us seek refuge in Him.  In Him, we find comfort and complete happiness.

Does the way of the wicked instill fear?

Nearer we drew to Thee, our Rock of Refuge

Does the world call us to shun God?

Let us strive to walk with Him, always.

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